Why you should hire us


When considering hiring someone to take care of the coop management of your dealership or business, the immediate question that comes to mind is “WHY HIRE AN OUTSIDE AGENCY”? This answer to this question can be summed up in three important words, PEACE OF MIND.

What we offer is a service that depends on that your coop concerns are just as important to us as they are to you.  Our clients receiving their full reimbursement in a timely manner is the priority at JJ Jannotta Media.

From experience, we all know that many times whether at an agency, or due to time and labor restraints, at some dealerships themselves, coop submissions are normally given to a subordinate, many times entry-level, who may not know the importance of what they are doing, or even why. Unfortunately, the result is many times the dealership winds up losing more money, possibly in one month, than the person whose negligence caused the loss, makes in a year.

You need someone whose actual job and focus is making sure you get your funds, not someone, who just considers it “part of the job”.

Here at JJ Jannotta Media, we have an agency and automotive advertising background and understand the long relationships agencies have with their clients. We will gladly work hand in hand with your current agency to make sure your reimbursements are fully sent to you and on time.

Why choose us

With over 27 years of Automotive Advertising and Marketing experience behind us, we have experience with all methods of marketing and advertising. We also know the various mediums or sources of media that you may have used to deliver your message whether traditional or digital.

We know what the OEM’s expect in compliance.

"I know I have left funds on the table that I could have used, if only I had time to pay attention to my coop funds accordingly"